What we Do?
JETX provide a diversity of sustainable, low cost solutions for the Advanced Airmobility Ecosystem (AAM), as modular electric propulsion systems, modular and sclable platform for eVTOL aircraft development and advanced concept design aircraft

What we are solving?
Current eVTOL’s (Electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing) aircraft projects rotate or tilt the thrust sources (rotors, ducted fans, thrusters) to vector the thrust for vertical flight, or use fixed rotors and ducted fans in horizontal position, that direct the thrust vertically for all flight stages including forward flight. JETX diversity of solutions are focused on development of eVTOL's where the thrust sources do not need to be rotated or tilted to provide vertical thrust which provides advantages over current technology and allows to expand the potential use of these aircraft.
With today's technology, JETX is developing a series of sustainable, low cost and environmentally friendly for the ADVANCED AIR MOBILITY (AAM) ecosystem and the URBAN AIR MOBILITY (UAM) market for civil and military use as follow:

This Patent pending propulsion consist into take a thrust source like an Electric Ducted Fans (EDFs), a Fluidic thrusters fed by electric driven air compressors or others novel electric thrust source and integrate it with vector thrust mechanisms to redirect the accelerated airflow and resulting force (thrust) into specific directions when it is required.
The mechanisms can redirect the thrust to provide vertical flight capabilities to an aircraft, without having to rotate the thrust source as other eVTOL's aircraft do, providing more advantages and expanding the potential use of these kind of aircraft in the aviation sector.
The propulsion can be setup in single devices configuration, or in groups of multiple devices to be distributed along the aircraft.
A variety of vector thrust mechanism can be used to vector the thrust like ventral flap, flaps, rotating, bucket, cascade vanes and many others, all options patent pending by JETX, including all setups and mixed configurations. At present we are focused on two mechanism designs: Flap and Ventral Flap mechanism.
Electric propulsion is lower cost than others aviation propulsions, modular design, makes possible to easily swap, exchange, replace, or remove any module or set in case of failure for maintenance purposes or install upgrade modules, reducing the operation cost of the aircraft.
Solution brings similar vector thrust propulsion technology used on some military fighter jets to the ADVANCED AIR MOBILITY ecosystem and URBAN AIR MOBILITY (UAM) market (eVTOL's market).
This patent pending propulsion compress ambient air and redirect it to dedicated or rotating exhaust mixed with the geometry of the vehicle to provide thrust for forward or vertical flight. The air compressor can be driven by electric, or hybrid thrust sources. The propulsion can be fully embedded inside a vehicle, onboard computers control electronic valves that regulates the high-pressure airflow to the exhaust as required for each flight stage. This propulsion can be used to develop many different manned and unmanned flying vehicles, including compact all system embedded into the body.

(Credit to Kip Kubisz)

(Credit to Mohit Rana)
With our patent pending platform a diversity of eVTOL's aircraft can be developed that can perform some duties of helicopters and tilting aircraft at fraction of cost, The platform body is a module that can be placed on top or bottom, it can be swapped for a different specific body with features and characteristics according the mission to accomplish, the same platforms that transport cargo could transport people by simply swapping out the body, could be armed, unarmed, manned or unmanned, piloted or autonomous. One minute it is delivering troops the next minute cargo, simply by changing the body, could deliver troops to the frontline and then swapped out with a body for medical transport, deliver packages, taxis passengers to the airport for an airline, distribute water, combat fires, the use is unlimited.
Each body specially designed with unique features and characteristics according to mission, they could be ergonomic, comfortable, spacious, between others, opposed to helicopters and tilting aircraft that are adapted to accomplish a mission, but options are limited by fuselage design.
Platform can be of compact design or scaled, assemble according to mission requirements, it also can be set up to fully encase to be permanent. Parts and components are designed for easy remotion and installation, can be disassembled and reassembled with other schematics and with the adding if additional parts to assemble a different flying vehicle, this feature also makes it easy to repair and transport.


JETX is designing a diversity of eVTOL's aircraft concepts with different setup and configurations with JETX propulsions and platform, that can be developed, JETX aircraft can be used for civil and military purposes.